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​Research papers, reviews, and books


Suzuki M, Fujimori H, Wakatsuki K, Manaka Y, Asai H, Hyodo M, Matsuno Y, Kusumoto-Matsuo R, Shiroishi M, Yoshioka KI. “Genome destabilization-associated phenotypes arising as a consequence of therapeutic treatment are suppressed by Olaparib.” PLoS One 18(1):e0281168. (2023) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0281168. 



Yamamoto T, Yasuda S, Kasai RS, Nakano R, Hikiri S, Sugaya K, Hayashi T, Ogasawara S, Shiroishi M, Fujiwara TK, Kinoshita M, Murata T. “A methodology for creating mutants of G-protein coupled receptors stabilized in active state by combining statistical thermodynamics and evolutionary molecular engineering.” Protein Sci. 31(10) :e4425 (2022)  doi: 10.1002/pro.4425.


Shinozaki C*, Kohno K*, Shiroishi M*, Takahashi D, Yoshikawa Y, Abe Y, Hamase K, Nakakido M, Tsumoto K, Inoue K, Tsuda M, Ueda T. “Improvement of the affinity of an anti-rat P2X4 receptor antibody by introducing electrostatic interactions.” Sci. Rep. 12(1):131. (2022) doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03784-w. * equal contribution.



Shiroishi M., "Structural Basis of a Conventional Recognition Mode of IGHV1-69 Rheumatoid Factors." Adv Exp Med Biol. 2021 Mar 18. doi: 10.1007/5584_2020_510. 



Arai S, Maruyama S, Shiroishi M, Yamato I, Murata T. “An affinity change model to elucidate the rotation mechanism of V1-ATPase.” Biochem Biophys Res Commun.,533(4):1413-1418. (2020) doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.10.033.


白石充典 第2章13節「膜タンパク質研究へのナノディスクの利用」,津本浩平,浜窪隆雄監修「膜タンパク質工学ハンドブック」,エヌ・ティ・エス出版,2020年4月



Kuroki K, Matsubara H, Kanda R, Miyashita N, Shiroishi M, Fukunaga Y, Kamishikiryo J, Fukunaga A, Fukuhara H, Hirose K, Hunt JS, Sugita Y, Kita S, Ose T, Maenaka K. "Structural and Functional Basis for LILRB Immune Checkpoint Receptor Recognition of HLA-G Isoforms." J Immunol., 203, 3386-3394. (2019) doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1900562.


Toyoda Y, Morimoto K, Suno R, Horita S, Yamashita K, Hirata K, Sekiguchi Y, Yasuda S, Shiroishi M, Shimizu T, Urushibata Y, Kajiwara Y, Inazumi T, Hotta Y, Asada H, Nakane T, Shiimura Y, Nakagita T, Tsuge K, Yoshida S, Kuribara T, Hosoya T, Sugimoto Y, Nomura N, Sato M, Hirokawa T, Kinoshita M, Murata T, Takayama K, Yamamoto M, Narumiya S, Iwata S, Kobayashi T. “Ligand binding to human prostaglandin E receptor EP4 at the lipid-bilayer interface.” Nat Chem Biol., 15, 18-26. (2019)


Shindo N, Fuchida H, Sato M, Watari K, Shibata T, Kuwata K, Miura C, Okamoto K, Hatsuyama Y, Tokunaga K, Sakamoto S, Morimoto S, Abe Y, Shiroishi M, Caaveiro JMM, Ueda T, Tamura T, Matsunaga N, Nakao T, Koyanagi S, Ohdo S, Yamaguchi Y, Hamachi I, Ono M, Ojida A. “Selective and reversible modification of kinase cysteines with chlorofluoroacetamides.” Nat Chem Biol., 15, 250-258. (2019)


Fujiyama S, Abe Y, Shiroishi M, Ikeda Y, Ueda T. “Insight into the interaction between PriB and DnaT on bacterial DNA replication restart: Significance of the residues on PriB dimer interface and highly acidic region on DnaT.” Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom.,1867, 367-375. (2019)


Igawa T, Kishikawa S, Abe Y, Yamashita T, Nagai S, Shiroishi M, Shinozaki C, Tanaka H, Tozaki-Saitoh H, Tsuda M, Inoue K, Ueda T. "Evidence for detection of rat P2X4 receptor expressed on cells by generating monoclonal antibodies recognizing the native structure." Purinergic Signal., 15, 27-35. (2019) doi: 10.1007/s11302-019-09646-5. 




Shiroishi M*, Ito Y, Shimokawa K, Lee JM, Kusakabe T, Ueda T*. “Structure-function analyses of a stereotypic rheumatoid factor unravel the structural basis for germline-encoded antibody autoreactivity.” J Biol Chem., 293, 7008-7016. (2018) *Corresponding author


Asada H, Horita S, Hirata K, Shiroishi M, Shiimura Y, Iwanari H, Hamakubo T, Shimamura T, Nomura N, Kusano-Arai O, Uemura T, Suno C, Kobayashi T, Iwata S. “Crystal structure of the human angiotensin II type 2 receptor bound to an angiotensin II analog.” Nat Struct Mol Biol.,25, 570-576. (2018)




Shiroishi M.*, Kobayashi T.* “Structural analysis of the histamine H1 receptor” Handb. Exp. Pharmacol., 241, 21-30 (2017)(依頼総説)*Corresponding author




Shiroishi M*, Moriya M. and Ueda T., “Micro-scale and rapid expression screening of highly expressed and/or stable membrane protein variants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae” Protein Sci, 25, 1863-1872 (2016) *Corresponding author


Kubota M, Takeuchi K, Watanabe S, Ohno S, Matsuoka R, Kohda D, Nakakita SI, Hiramatsu H, Suzuki Y, Nakayama T, Terada T, Shimizu K, Shimizu N, Shiroishi M, Yanagi Y, Hashiguchi T. “Trisaccharide containing α2,3-linked sialic acid is a receptor for mumps virus.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 113, 11579-11584. (2016)


 白石充典 第8章「How protein transmit signals」担当,津本浩平、植田正、前仲勝実監訳「Esentialタンパク質科学(How proteins work訳本)」南江堂,2016年2月




 Shiroishi M.*, Kobayashi T.* “Screening of stable G-protein-coupled receptor variants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Methods Mol Biol.1261, 159-70 (2015)(依頼総説)*Corresponding author




Suharni, Nomura Y, Arakawa T, Hino T, Abe H, Nakada-Nakura Y, Sato Y, Iwanari H, Shiroishi M, Asada H, Shimamura T, Murata T, Kobayashi T, Hamakubo T, Iwata S, Nomura N. “Proteoliposome-based selection of a recombinant antibody fragment against the human M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor.” Monoclon Antib Immunodiagn Immunother.33, 378-85 (2014)


前仲勝実、橋口隆生、白石充典 第5章「細胞表面受容体の不安定なリガンド複合体の発現・結晶化」 松島正明、伊中浩治編『進化を続ける構造生物学』化学同人pp67-78,2014年9月




Kuroki K, Hirose K, Okabe Y, Fukunaga Y, Takahashi A, Shiroishi M, Kajikawa M, Tabata S, Nakamura S, Takai T, Koyanagi S, Ohdo S, Maenaka K. “The long-term immunosuppressive effects of disulfide-linked HLA-G dimer in mice with collagen-induced arthritis.” Hum Immunol.74, 433-438 (2013)


Shiroishi M.*, “Strategies for the Structural Determination of G Protein-coupled Receptors: From an Example of Histamine H1 Receptor.” Yakugaku Zasshi. 133, 539-47. (2013)(依頼総説)*Corresponding author


白石充典*, 出芽酵母(S. cerevisiae)を用いた高発現・安定化GPCR改変体の作製と評価, 蛋白質科学会アーカイブ6, e072 (2013) (査読あり)*Corresponding author


白石充典  第8章「膜タンパク質の構造研究に向けた出芽酵母の利用」 岩田想編『膜タンパク質構造研究』化学同人pp71-79 2013年10月




Haga K, Kruse AC, Asada H, Yurugi-Kobayashi T, Shiroishi M, Zhang C, Weis WI, Okada T, Kobilka BK, Haga T, Kobayashi T. “Structure of the human M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor bound to an antagonist.” Nature482, 547-551 (2012)


Shiroishi M*, Tsujimoto H, Makyio H, Asada H, Yurugi-Kobayashi T, Shimamura T, Murata T, Nomura N, Haga T, Iwata S*, Kobayashi T* “Platform for the rapid construction and evaluation of GPCRs for crystallography in Saccharomyces cerevisiae” Microb Cell Fact.11:78 (2012) *Corresponding authors. 

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